Hi, I'm Molly Jean.

I’m a frontend engineer based in Portland, Oregon. I believe that building great things requires getting up & falling & getting up again & falling better & iterating & improving & getting it right.

My approach to problem solving is informed by 5 years in the tech industry as well as my previous career in writing & non-profit administration. Software development is, at its core, an act of communication. Empathy, persistence, & humility are essential.

And of course, it never hurts to turn the problem on its head & look at it from a different angle.


In my professional software engineering roles, I've worked on mobile & web time tracking apps for EquipmentShare's T3 platform, the Later & Early investment products at Acorns, & the Palm Springs Art Museum's website, to name a few.

And in my spare time, I like to entertain flights of fancy & create challenges that help new engineers hone their skills & get hired. Recently, I've built:


Both at work & beyond, I do what I can to build up other engineers & make the tech industry more diverse, equitable, & inclusive.

I've organized silly hackathons, served on the organizing team for the ACT-W (Advancing Careers of Technical Women) Conference, and helped to establish a formal engineering internship program at EquipmentShare.

I currently volunteer as a mentor with a community group called Empathetech, which helps non-traditional engineers find their first role. Because we all deserve to thrive in tech :)